31 Days of Halloween — October 21, 2013

Then come the sudden swirl round of the wind, the blistering gale from the south-west, the dragging anchor, the lee shore, and the last battle in the creaming breakers. The wise mariner stands far out from that evil place. On the land side our surroundings were as sombre as on the sea. It was a…

Conan Doyle Interview, via The Paris Review

I saw this clip about a year ago while visiting Edinburgh.  I went to a fantastic exhibit at the Surgeon’s Hall Museum that was on Dr. Bell and his student Doyle.  It was wonderful and fascinating.  I’m so glad The Paris Review found and posted it. [iframe]<iframe src=”http://archive.org/embed/SirArthurConanDoyleSpeaks_272″ width=”640″ height=”480″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>[/iframe] Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Speaks…

ARMCHAIR BEA 12: Introduction

Writing once again from Virtual Booth #221b…  This will be my second Armchair BEA. ◊ Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging? I am a director of a nonprofit performing arts venue in the South.  I hold a Bachelor’s in…