Top Ten Tuesday: All Time Favorites

Well this is just mean. Choose your top ten favorite books of all time. Somehow. Working under the assumption that this is basically impossible, I am going to choose ten that are amazing and are way up there, but are in no particular order and is not meant to be definitive. These are books that…

Top Ten Things Books Made Me Want To Learn

Top Ten Things Books Have Made Me Want To Do or Learn About After Reading Them (I only have time to write about three today) Horseracing I was always pretty good with horses. After reading Seabiscuit, I became a little bit obsessed. I learned so much about bugboys and claiming races. I visited my family’s county…

DAY TWO (cont’d): Edinburgh

After a lovely stop for lunch at Canonsgate Arms, we walked (trekked, as it turned out) to the Royal Botanical Gardens.  The walk was through a very cool part of town.  When we reached the gardens themselves, I asked a very helpful man named Neil if there was anything in particular I should see regarding…

ARMCHAIR BEA 11: Author Interviews & Favorite Blogs

I was a bit late to the Armchair BEA train, so I was not assigned an interview to do.  I can, however, direct you to two interviews I have done in the not-so-distant past. My interview with Sarah Rose, author of For All the Tea in China. It’s an amazing book on a long-lost history…

Article/ Interview in Connect Savannah: For All The Tea in China

My interview with Sarah Rose, author of FOR ALL THE TEA IN CHINA appears in this week’s Connect Savannah. Many thanks to Sarah Rose for her willingness to speak with me, and to editor Jim Morekis for including this and many articles on books and literature in his publication.  And thanks to all those at…